I haven’t used NetBeans for a year or so as a development IDE. I had to use eclipse at work and it just seemed easier to us that at home as well. However, I recently decided to re-shake the beans, which I always found more responsive and functional then eclipse.
The c++ edition of NetBeans, and I assume this is generic functionality allows remote development within the IDE. This allows you to edit, debug and run code on another server. You can run this in a variety of modes, all using SSH so it is nice and secure and does not require any fancy server side software.
I can see this being very useful for developing on the Raspberry Pi for example, instead of using a remote desktop or for local development and testing on a big meaty server….
I’ve tried building a simple hello world project on a local server and it feels very responsive, and was easy to set up. Have a look at https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/cnd/remote-modes.html for more information.