Where source is old extension and dest is new extension, in terminal type:
for x in *.source; do mv “$x” “${x%.source}.dest”; done
Where source is old extension and dest is new extension, in terminal type:
for x in *.source; do mv “$x” “${x%.source}.dest”; done
All the free software as you can eat ;0)
It’s getting a bit retro now, but here is a superb matrix screen saver that imprints the film characters within the matrix. It’s a lovely effect to see animated. Available for linux and windows.
Installing Compiz Fusion instructions
Just trying out ntfs-3g, which provides ntfs read and write support in feisty. Simply search for the ntfs-config (a nice UI) package in synaptic (not the ntfs-3g) an install.
More information can be found on http://www.ntfs-3g.org/ including alleviating concerns over stability.
I’m very, very slowly being converted to the dark side or light side depending on your perspective. Ubuntu is a great linux distribution with a breadth of opensource apps that can be installed. The synaptic package manager makes installing anything as easy as ever.
After trying several of the articles out there in the big WWW, and after several failures, I finally found an article on how to get the 3D desktop effects going in ubuntu 7.04. The key differentiation is the need to roll back beryl to a previous version so you get the beryl-xgl installed.
Have a look at this guys blog, he received a letter from a web site complaining that Deans site has a higher ranking in Google. Although this is very funny, and you have probably seen it already I’m posting the message just to link to dean’s site and improve his ranking even more.
Way da go dean, you can ave im.