
Apple Safari License Compliance Kit

apple-cut-hereLast week, Apple chose in “Microsoft style” to enforce all users that have ITunes / quicktime installed on their windows machine to as default install the latest version of Apple’s Safari browser as part of the latest updates. The more humorous part of this ordeal, not with standing having the browser forced upon you was the amendment to to license agreement, that the software can only be used on “a single Apple-labeled computer at a time”.

To ensure that all you windows users, still comply with the license agreement for Safari, even though you don’t actually want it I have created the Apple Safari License Compliance Kit.

  1. Download the picture to the right.
  2. Print it on a sticky label.
  3. Cut carefully along the dotted line (ask your mother for safety scissors if needed)
  4. Stick onto your laptop / pc.

For more information see the register article